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Ron Paul Rules

After taking the nature of your position as a professor of journalism and media studies at Buffalo State College into careful consideration, I remain unaltered in my decision to forward this article (“Getting a Grip,” Artvoice v11n5) to the appropriate channels for prosecution on the bases that the public exposure of your works extend well beyond your student base. This clear display of demagoguery not only disparages Dr. Paul and his constituents, it further encourages a demeaning stigma to his entire support network by regarding it as a group of racist pothead, corporatists.

As far as the racially charged allegations are concerned, concluding that Dr. Paul is prejudice due to disavowed articles written over twenty years ago is nothing short of slanderous. Is it safe to assume that a high profile congressman/doctor has the time to micro-manage his public relations? This is much like me suggesting that your allegiance is to Israel and that you despise Americans simply because you have a surname that is common amongst Jewish people.

I also find it difficult not to address your attack on positions against abortion. An isolated piece would have reflected your personal opinion on the matter, this article on the other hand, combined with its ignorant generalizations does not. I am also confident in stating that I do not stand alone when describing abortion as a rapid growing cancer that devalues the sanctity of life. I also urge you to reconsider your bearing on this issue “For any father who supports the right to absolute choice forfeits his right to be called daddy.” —Me

Other statements made in are just too laughable to acknowledge. In conclusion, I would like to remind Mr. Nilman and his affiliates that they may be subject to claims of libel. An official retraction will be expected for damages incurred.

> Paul Castagnini

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